

Update QuickBooks Desktop to the Latest Release: Complete Guide

Update QuickBooks Desktop

Want to Update QuickBooks Desktop to the Latest Release ? Intuit often launches new updates and releases to help you have a better experience and fix problems. It is therefore highly recommended that we move and install them to promote program practicality.

You can update QuickBooks Desktop automatically or manually. Throughout this article, we are going to justify everything about it rather than just a way to check if you have been recently released. You may also know these updates as maintenance releases or “patches”. These updates improve QuickBook performance and automatically fix known issues. All updates to product releases are free. To save you valuable time, call our toll free QuickBooks support number and get detailed information on updating QuickBooks to the latest version.

You can update QuickBooks Desktop automatically or manually. If you switch to Automatic Updates, QuickBooks will automatically download the latest updates and download them for free once installed. Or if you want to try to update yourself, check for updates at least once a month

Check to see if you have the latest Release

  1. Open the QuickBooks Desktop.
  2. Press F2 (or Ctrl + 1) to open the Product Information window.
  3. Check and release your current version.

Find out if you have the latest release patch for your QuickBooks Desktop

  1. With the QuickBooks Desktop Open, press the F2 key on your keyboard (or, alternatively, Ctrl + 1).
  2. In the Product Information window, check and release the current version.
  3. Check out the latest releases available for your product:
  • QuickBooks 2019
  • QuickBooks 2018
  • QuickBooks 2017
  • QuickBooks 2016

Steps to Update QuickBooks Desktop to the Latest Release ?

You can download Update QuickBooks Desktop to the Latest Release from the Internet using several methods. Make sure your internet is fast and the connection is good. Here are your options:

  • Automatic QuickBooks Update Method (default setting)
  • On-demand update method
  • Download Release
  • Manual quickbooks update

Automatic QuickBooks Update Policy

In this manner, QuickBooks automatically checks the Intuit server for new updates. Once you start using your Internet (work) it will transfer the update.

QuickBooks has the default setting, which automatically downloads the update from the Intuit server, whether the software is running on your system. If you do not need to update your software package, you can disable the automatic update option, otherwise, it will automatically download updates.

Set-up Automatic Updates

  • Go to the Help menu and select Up-datebook Desktop.
  • Now go to the Update tab. Tip: You can select the Update checkbox to clear all previous update downloads.
  • Select Get Updates to start the download.
  • When the download is complete, restart QuickBooks.
  • If prompted, accept the option to install the new release.
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Schedule future automatic updates

If you don’t want to download updates now, you can schedule them to download later.

  • Go to the Help menu and select Updatebook Desktop.
  • Go to the Options tab.
  • Select Yes to enable automatic updates.
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“ Tip: If you want to share automatic downloads with other computers on your network, select Yes for each computer.”

  • Select Off
  • QuickBooks automatically downloads when updates are released.

Instant QuickBooks Update Method:

With the help of this technology, you can download the QB update immediately from the Institute server to your PC. You can use it anytime (even if automatic updates are enabled) and you can immediately download QuickBooks or not. It is recommended that you check for updates once a month.

To view and install updates to QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Help menu and click Update Book.
  • Click on the Update Now tab.
  • Click Get updates and download updates. In the Updates column, click the Maintenance Release link to check what’s included in the update.
  • Exit QuickBooks QuickBooks prompts you to install the update, which depends on the version you have, or launch your software next time. But, when it does, click Install Now or Yes to install the update. Once the update is installed, start your computer again.

Do Manual updates

Option 1: Download from the Internet

  1. Go to the Download and Update page.
  2. Then Select Product drop-down, select your QuickBooks product.
  3. Then Select the version drop-down, select the appropriate version or year.
  4. Select Search.
  5. Then Select Get the latest updates, and then save / save the file to download the update.
  6. When the download is complete, double-click to install the update. After the installation is complete you will need to restart Windows.

To manually install updates on your network, you can:

  1. Access the installed file on your computer from another computer; Or
  2. Copy the installed file to a flash drive and then to another computer desktop.

Option 2: From within the QuickBooks Desktop

  1. Go to File menu, and then select Close Company / Logoff.
  2. Note: If you open multiple company files on the QuickBooks desktop, you must do this step for every company that opens.
  3. Go back to the File menu, and then select Exit.
  4. Right-click on the QuickBooks Desktop icon on your desktop, and then select Run as administrator.
  5. No Company On the open screen, go to the Help menu, and then select Update QuickBooks …
  6. Then Go to the Options tab, and then locate all. Select Save.
  7. Go to the Update Now tab, and then check the Update box.
  8. Then Select the Get Update button.
  9. When the update appears to be complete, close the QuickBooks Desktop.
  10. Then Reopen the QuickBooks Desktop. If you receive a message to install the update, select Yes.
  11. Once the installation is complete, start your computer again.

Note: If you have a payroll subscription, download the latest Payroll Tax Table to process payroll on the QuickBooks Desktop. Note that your payroll membership must be activated.

Option 3: Get Updates From the internet Ultra-Light Patches  (ULIP)

  1. Go to the Downloads & Updates page.
  2. From the Select Country dropdown, select your country.
  3. From the Select Product dropdown, select your product.
  4. From the Select Version dropdown, select your version (year).
  5. Select Search.

Ultra Light Patch is a feature on the QuickBooks Desktop where minor release improvements can be made without the need for an actual release patch. The patch release process continues (R releases like the 2017).

Use the same steps as Option 2 to implement significant improvements. Make sure the major fixes are selected before downloading the updates.

Now we take a review on some problems/ queries that you may have face.

How to upgrade your QuickBooks Desktop subscription

When the new version is available, you will get a message when QuickBooks opens.

  1. When you’re ready to start, upgrade now.
  2. If you want to keep your current QuickBooks version, select the old version in the My Computer checkbox. After this, select ‘Go’. QuickBooks downloads, installs and records the new version for you. It also creates an updated version of your company files.
  3. When the update is complete, select Open QuickBooks.

Note: Depending on your company’s internet speed and size it may take some time to update.

How to upgrade if you do not have a QuickBooks desktop membership

If you don’t see the prompt to upgrade, don’t worry, it means you bought QuickBooks quickly. You can still upgrade using the Easy Upgrade tool. Said.

  1. From the Help menu, upgrade QuickBooks.
  2. If you are already using QuickBooks, select Upgrade Now.
  3. Select the version you want to upgrade, and then upgrade now.
  4. If you want to keep your current version, select the old version on my computer, then select Go.

QuickBooks downloads, installs and records the new version for you, and then creates an updated version of your company file.

Upgrade your company file

QuickBooks prompts you to upgrade your company file to open it in its newest version. Remember, your company file cannot be opened in the original version of QuickBooks after you upgrade.

  1. Make sure all users are logged out of your company file.
  2. Open your new version of QuickBooks Desktop.
  3. If you do not have a company file open, select Open or Restore Company. You go to the File menu and open or renew the company.
  4. Open the company file, and then select Next. If you have a backup company file (QBB) instead of a company file (QBW), restore the backup copy, and then select Local Backup.
  5. Browse your computer for your company file. You have written the file location in step 1. Select it, then select Open.

Note: If you cannot find your company file, open the Windows Start menu and then File Explorer. Search your company file by name or .qbw file extension.If you haven’t found it yet, make sure it’s not hidden.

  1. Sign in to your company file as an admin user.
  2. Before upgrading, QuickBooks automatically backs up your current company file. You can change this default location to save the backup to a specific folder.
  3. Select Update Now to start the update.
  4. When QuickBooks is out, select.

Now you can open an existing company file on your new company’s QuickBooks desktop. If you put your company files on the server, you can now recover them.

How to Enter and Delete Transactions by batch in QuickBooks Desktop 

 Learn how to batch delete or void transactions. Use the Batch Delete/Void Transactions utility (BDT) to quickly delete or void multiple transactions at once.Important: The is only available in QuickBooks Desktop Accountant 2017, Enterprise and Enterprise Accountant 17.0, and later versions.

Final Through 

Therefore, you can follow the methods described above to update QuickBooks Desktop software on your device. You can enable the automatic update feature or you can manually download and install the QuickBooks Desktop Update file from the server to update it. If you encounter any QuickBooks error while installing the update file, you can contact our QuickBooks Online Support experts.

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